Sunday, February 27, 2011

shopping baby

I am discovering what every mother/mother to be has probably known for a long time. baby stuff is TOO remarkably cute. the kind of cute that makes you hurt inside. so although I know that I won't be able to afford practically any of these things, it doesn't hurt to do a little online window shopping, right?

or maybe i should avert my eyes, save myself from the temptation and just wait until hand-me-downs start rolling in?
what did you do, mommies? or what WOULD you do, future mommies?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, it has been so hard keeping my wallet shut! I'm actually very proud of how much I've spent on Baby Girl this time around - I've only spent $10 on some thrift store goodies. What I've learned after having Josiah is that it's best to have enough newborn clothes to get you through the first few months, but after that you have no clue how fast or slow they are going to grow. By 3 months old, Josiah was already wearing 6-9 mo. clothing, so a lot of his cute stuff barely got worn!
