ever since i found out i was pregnant, there was one thing on my mind (well 400)... a gender revealing party. mostly because i love a good excuse for a party, and otherly (not a word) because of how exciting it is to share something like that with your community! it's an idea that i stole from another blog or something that i read..i couldn't resist doing it.
so on April 11th, our wonderful friend, Dana will be the first to find out about what the gender of our child is.. and she will bake a cake, and that cake will be either pink or blue on the inside, and on the outside it will be white.
And on a Monday night, we shall cut it, and be happy if its a girl, and happy if its a boy.
and its not that we think everyone else will be as interested or excited about it, but we just think that when there are big moments in your life, you should celebrate with those you love.