behold! one of the first ever drawings that i ever did on illustrator. slightly pitiful, somewhat cute, but definitely a beginner's work. Some have been asking how I create my drawings, and a little bit about my history with art, so here goes.
I didn't go to art school, I've never ever taken a class on illustrator, and my degree is in something completely and totally different than illustration and design.
One day, in 2008, my husband brought home a computer that he bought off of ebay (without telling me) and that said computer happened to have illustrator on it, and I happened to enjoy drawing things on illustrator very much, and still do. For some reason my hands like to draw with a mouse. it's weird...i think.
from there I just kept tinkering with things, you tubing things I didn't understand, and trying to learn about color from the greats.
I'm still not a pro by any means. But I like to think I've come a long way from that whale :)