Monday, June 13, 2011


sad news. but my domain was hacked and stolen from me.
i won't even pretend to know how this stuff happens, but for now I will just say that it is lame.
so what would be oh so wonderful, would be if you all link to my new blog address:
and spread the word :)

i'm in the works to get the whole thing transferred over to my site:, but for now it is what it is. And after moving and feeling overwhelmed with everything else in life, I've decided that I can't add this item to my anxiety list as well. its for the best.
if everyone could link to my blog with the anchor text "my little buffalo" that would be even more stupendous.

here's to making lemonade out of lemons.


  1. That is horrible. Like you need this now. So sorry.

  2. sorry to hear, but I will be sure to update my reader settings! way to take things in stride...hang in there, sweet lady!
