when i started this blog, not so long ago, it was my intent that maybe i could have this be a place where i could share some thoughts, and then also get some thoughts from all of you as well.
you know, i would say something i like or dislike, and then you might be able to comment and say,"yeah me too", or "oh yeah, i can't stand that"
that has happened for the most part, but what i am asking, (pretty please) is that if you read this blog, post a comment when you read this and tell me who you are. tell me how you got to reading this blog, or tell me how you like to spend your Sundays, or tell me what is about this new apple tablet thing that is so fascinating...
whatever it is, just let me know who you are, i'd like that, very very much.
and maybe, just maybe, if we aren't already.... we can become friends :)
wouldn't that be nice?
i think so
i read your blog. i have no idea how i found it. maybe from your etsy site?
ReplyDeleteand i love this post. i may just have to post something very similar. i hate not knowing who i'm talking to and not having any nonverbal's to see what folks are thinking about whatever i'm talking about. but then i go and just lurk on everone else's too.
so anyway. i read your blog. :)
hi lisa!
ReplyDeleteokay, i adore you. and i also adore that new logo for my little buffalo. and you are my friend and my designer for all my business and personal needs. seriously.
how i found this blog: well, we're friends in real life. so there. but i seriously think your creativity and design are AMAZING. i recommend you highly anytime i get a chance.
how i spend my sundays: it varies! sometimes doing shoots, sometimes reading the paper and drinking coffee my roommate convinces me to drink (i try to stay away from caffiene but she always tempts me on sundays...!), and usually church in there somewhere too. but, yeah. most of the time it's a day of relaxation and recovery from the week.
the apple ipad? i think it's kind of apple's answer to the kindle. kind of. but i'm interested in it for the gimmicky purpose of being able to show my photos to potential clients on something coolish. haha. i don't think i'll be purchasing anytime soon though.
there's my comment-o! can't wait for you to give my website a little sprucing up soon! xo
Hi. This is my first time on your blog, I found you on fabulous K's blog. I know what you mean about wanting to know who is reading your stuff and since I read it, I thought I should comment.
ReplyDeleteAnd my husband wants one of the new apple ipad things, but I can't seem to figure out what it will be good for either. I mean he has an iphone and we have a mac book, so why would we need it? I have no clue! So I am sorry I can't help you there, but if you figure out why they are so great, could you fill me in too? Thanks!
well...sundays i'm all tied up.
ReplyDeletebut sunday evenings involve reading your blog.
pretty great.
thanks for showing yourselves :)
ReplyDeletei look forward to hearing more from each of you, my friends and new friends alike!