well. countless tortillas and beans later, we are on our way home.
in a way these kind of trips feel forever long, and in a way it feels as though it was last night that i was giving our sweet little cat a kiss goodbye.
what i didn't know was that it would be even harder to leave Mexico. As we said our goodbyes yesterday, we had tears rolling down all of our cheeks.
We stood there in a dusty bakery, and held hands and hearts as we prayed for God to enter into our lives even more and that we would understand His love and provision, and just how big He really is.
I feel like that prayer has been answered... I don't know to what measure, and really not until I get back to the states will I really be able to grasp it, but Nate and I have grown on so many levels. I realized one night as we laid in our beds, both with a tide of sickness swelling in our stomachs, that we are YOUNG (sorry to any oldies out there that I disrespect with that remark). But we are, I remember thinking to myself, in 9 years I will only be 35 and that's still considered young to some. We have some much to be grateful for already, and there is so much more to come.and whatever is to come, i know that i want to be thankful. I want to look to God for things first and not myself. I want to be yoked with Nate and pursue God's will for our lives together.
this trip could not have come at a better time, with the new year and all.
please keep us in your prayers, as we continue to try to serve God with all we do.
and also pray for the people in Vicente Guerrero, who have a reliance upon God pretty well nailed down :)
see you soon!
xo lisa