So here's the deal, in approximately no time flat I will be a parent. On top of that, in order to be a parent, I will need to first endure a child coming out of me where the sun don't shine. and on top of that, its going to be really painful, so i hear..
one might say this is a lot on your plate. because, well it is. there is SO much to learn and figure out and decipher that sometimes I am just lost. I know that there is a lot that you just figure out along the way, same way it was when i first figured out how to be first grader, or how to kiss a boy.
but i also feel like God gives me 9 months for a reason. to prepare as much as I can.
So if you'd humor me, this mildly anxious first mom to be, I would love your thoughts and wisdom on anything baby. birth, epidurals, diapers, crying, swaddling, sleepless nights, midwives, baths, breastfeeding... anything really. I'll take it all.
you can begin commenting.....now. :)