while we await the arrival of our little girl, there are some decisions that need to be made. approximately 100,000 decisions and counting. one being, will i stay at my 9-5 job? we haven't made any firm decisions on any of that yet, but we'd like to think that instead of returning to work,i have the chance to let designing be my #1 job instead of my 3rd or 4th. So when people ask me what I do for work I can assuredly say, "I am a graphic designer."
it's been hard working until 5pm, only to come home with 3 clients waiting to see some proofs, all the while i am on the verge of deep, deep sleep :) its doable, but not ideal. and believe me, I know that having a miniature version of nate and i around won't be any easier, but I'd like to think that I would feel more grounded.
so this is where you come in. in order to take this leap in the next few months, I need more jobs. i know that i've worked for many of you in the past, and i'm extremely grateful. i just ask that the next time you hear a friend say, "dang I really need custom illustustration of a kitten holding a cup of tea," please think of me :)
love to you all, spread the word, i'm available for hire...