So I know that this blog is intended (by me) to be mostly design related. But brace yourselves here, I'm going to get a little personal. Mainly because I want to show you something that I've been working on this morning/afternoon.
I've never known my mom. At times it feels like no biggie, and at times it feels like a huge void is there. Something big that's missing and aches. She passed away when I was 3 mos old.
Thankfully though, my mother was a collector. In a way, I feel like she knew she would be gone before i would know her, so she collected everything, to show herself to her children. I now have in my possesion, every last letter, shoelace, birthday card and picture that she has ever received. It links me to her. It shows me her past. I am grateful.
However, all of these "memories" have just been sitting in my trunk, in my office, for a very long time. So today, as the rain poured down, I made this collage of her pictures below. Its the closest thing to spending time with her, that I've ever known.
Just wanted to share, to you.. whoever you are...

i promise that next post will be a bit lighter :)